2022 Year in Review. Non-Work
Teton Shelf. August 2022.
We had a baby, I skied, I worked (work summary linked here), I climbed, we all traveled. We spent a ton of very high quality family time. At the beginning of the year I set the intention of making family time a priority. I would, I thought then, spread my self-funded “paternity leave” over the entire year (with the hope of making new habits that would last for all of Charlie’s life). We did exactly that. The main take home message in my analysis of various charts and journals from 2022 is that we were very successful in spending family time together. On 221 days I noted that the day was not a “work day”. Little work tasks might pop up, but the predominant them of every one of those days was that I was not working. Another way to look at it is that, on each of those 221 days I might have done some little work tasks but I could also be supervising/monitoring/caring for our daughter. Working just 4 out of 10 days, all year long, is something I aspire to continue. It will surely ebb and flow from season to season and year to year.
2022 highlight. A three-day backpacking trip, just Charlie and I.
What else did it look like, in more familiar, athletic terms? All this is drawn from my “training” spreadsheet. So the focus is on athletic development and such.
840 hours of action (8 year average is 1011)
428050 vertical feet ascended (5 year average is 565500)
541 climbing pitches (6 year average is 543)
192 days outside, active.
104 of them were work.
47 of the outdoor exercise sessions were with Charlie. Once a week, on average, for her entire life.
11 alpine climbing days (6 year average is 27)
91 BC skiing days (8 year average is 87)
5 bicycling days (dedicated “exercise” cycling. Lots more errand cycling around town. 8 year average is 5)
23 Rock Cragging days (6 year average 18)
18 Rock Multipitch days (6 year average 25)
5 Running (8 year average 6)
3 paddling days (first year of recording this)
11 cross-country ski days (first year of recording this)
20 hiking days (8 year average is 21)
40 climbing gym days (7 year average is 24)
20 days Weight Training (8 year average 16)
67 rest days (8 year average 84)
21 sick days (covid, flu, a gnarly series of seemingly interconnected non covid, non flu respiratory infections, hangovers, wrist injury. 8 year average 11)
4 ski resort days (8 year average 7)
25 travel days (8 year average 26)
Backpacking is complicated. Babies are complicated. Complicated times complicated equals what?