The Longest Journey Home...
And it keeps going. On and on, this feels like the most extended homecoming ever. I'll flesh out the real good stuff with some proper entries, but let me work through this stuff in reverse chronological order. That'll make your brain hurt like mine does. I'm scheduled to fly into Mammoth tonight at 5. Mammoth is forecast to get 2-4 inches of snow this afternoon. We'll see. Right now I am at LAX. Flew here on a quickie from Seattle. Endured a 12 hour, bench-sleeping, bad-news-receiving layover there. Got to Seattle via a short cloudy sparsely attended flight from Anchorage. Spent sunday touristing around gritty Anchoragua. Saturday we ferried from Valdez to Whittier, and drove thence to Anchorage. We were supposed to Ferry on Friday, but it was cancelled for a coast guard inspection. So we touristed around gritty, shoulder-season Valdez. Highlight that day was the annual
May Day "fly-in". Pretty cool. Watched the Super Cubs practice for the STOL competition. Those things could land and take off crosswise on a 4 lane road. Thursday we began our journey towards home. We woke up in the wilderness and skied a couple thousand feet of amazing powder for breakfast. Then a lite version of an Alaskan bushwhacking slog exit. Definitely the only portion of our home bound travel that went more smoothly than we anticipated. Before that we were in the blessedly simple, and cruelly subtle in its dangers, wilds of high Alaska. That's where the entertainment lies, but a write up of that deserves a clearer mind, more comfortable writing atmosphere, and rosier outlook. For now join the darkness of a grueling trip home.